
You can find peer-reviewed journal articles my articles on my Google Scholar profile here

Conference proceedings and posters not indexed by Google are listed and linked below:

Domoto-Reilly K, Peterson D, Dutt S, Heuer H, Luong P, Tartaglia C, Litvan I, McGinnis S, Dickerson B, Kornak J, Schuff N, Rabinovici G, Miller B, Fagan A, Kantarci K, Pantelyat A, Foroud T, Boeve B, Rosen H, Boxer A (April 2018) MRI-Derived Markers of Disease Progression in Early Versus Late PSP and CBS. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Los Angeles, California

Peterson D, Koh N, Askren M, Gatenby C, Madhyastha T, Grabowski T. (June 2017) Profiles of White Matter Microstructure in a Population- ­Based Cohort of Elderly Patients. Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Vancouver, Canada.

Peterson D, Wang S, Wang Y, Grabowski T, Li W, Madhyastha T. (June 2017) Comparison of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging to Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging in Healthy Young Adults. Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Vancouver, Canada.

Peterson DJ, Hippe DS, Rutman AM, Wilson AE, Jarvik J, Cohen WA, Chokshi F, Mossa-Basha M. (February 2017) Test-Retest and Inter-Reader Reliability of Semi-Automated Atlas-Based Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data in Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Patients, Annual Symposium of the American Society for Spine Radiology (ASSR) in San Diego, California
→Recognized as Best Paper in the Diagnostic Spine category

Rutman AM, Peterson D, Cohen W, Mossa-Basha M. (December 2015) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Spinal Cord. An Educational exhibit presented at the 101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, Illinois.
→This exhibit received the Cum Laude award

Peterson D, Jacobson L, Crocetti D, Rosch K, Mostofsky S. (June 2014) Premotor white matter integrity is associated with response control in boys, but not girls with ADHD. Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Hamburg, Germany.

Peterson D, Caffo B, Mostofsky S. (June 2013) Anomalous Anatomical Connectivity Networks in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Hamburg, Germany.

Mahone EM, Peterson D, Crocetti D, Slifer K, Denckla MB, Mostofsky SH. (June 2013) Abnormal White Matter Diffusivity in Preschool-Age Children with ADHD. 4th World Congress on ADHD in Milan, Italy.

Peterson D, Crocetti D, Belkaya N, Mostofsky S. (October 2012) Left-Hemisphere Microstructural Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Annual meeting of the Society For Neuroscience (SFN) in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Peterson D, Ryan M, Richardson M, Rimrodt SL, Cutting LE, Mahone EM. (2009, February) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Children with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Atlanta, GA.

Peterson DJ, Landman BA, Gaur P, Cutting LE, (2008, May) The Impact of Robust Diffusion Tensor Estimation on Voxel-Wise Analysis of DTI Data. Annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, ON.

Peterson DJ, Gaur P, Rimrodt S. Cutting LE, Denckla M, (2008, July) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Children with Reading Disability. Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Asheville, NC

Peterson DJ, Gaur P, Rimrodt SL, Cutting LE. (2008, November) Diffusion Tensor Imaging in children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Reading Disability. Annual meeting of the Child Neurology Society, Santa Clara, CA.

Suskauer SJ, Satorio CF, Peterson DJ, Mostofsky SH, Christensen JR. (2007, November) Neuroanatomical and Neurocognitive Differences in a Pair of Twins Concordant for Traumatic Brain Injury. New Frontiers in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, San Diego, CA.

Peterson DJ, Loening NM. (2006, April) QQ-HSQC: A Quick Quantitative Heteronuclear Correlation Experiment. Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Pacific Grove, CA